LOUD Loyalty
To earn for the following 3 offers, use the LOUD Loyalty App, which can be found by clicking the little red icon in the bottom left of the screen on our website. Upon completeing these tasks, points are instantly added to your account, which can be used to purchase any of our products!
Make An Account
/ One Time Opportunity
Create an account with us and you'll get a free $10, which can be used on anything we sell!
Follow Us On Social
/ One Time Each
Like Us On Facebook
Follow Us On X (Twitter)
Follow us On Instagram
Learn more about this process by clicking on the red icon the bottom left of your screen :)
Refer- A- Friend
/ Each Per Referral
You Get $10 for referring a friend
Referred Customer Gets 10% Discount!
They must be a new customer and purchase $10+
Learn more about this process by clicking on the red icon the bottom left of your screen :)
Product Reviews
Strain Feedback Program
/ Per Review
Ever sat around the sesh, and thought "what if I could get compensated to smoke reefer?!" Now's your chance!
We are officially trading cannabis for honest online reviews!
Store Reviews
To collect earnings from the following 3 offers, follow the instructions included under each task, then upload the proof! :)
Note: Our system does not have an automated way to approve the reward for these tasks. Therefore, you once you have completed them, please upload proof in the boxes below. Proof will be verified, and your LOUD Loyalty Points will be updated within 3 business days.
Repeat: If you do not upload proof, you will not recieve free cannabis ):
Post A Google Review
/ One Time Opportunity
This review must contain a picture or video to receive offer
Link above not working? Heres the details to find us on Google:
LOUD Smoke Supply- 95 Spring Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Recommend Us On Facebook
/ One Time Opportunity
Want a link to review us faster? Click the blue button below!
Link above not working? Heres the details to find us on Google:
LOUD Smoke Supply- @loudsmokesupply
Leave A Trustpilot Review
/ One Time Opportunity
Want a link to review us faster? Click the blue button below!
Link above not working? Heres the details to find us on Trustpilot:
LOUD Smoke Supply- supplyloud.com
Post and Tag Us
Note: Our system does not have an automated way to approve the reward for the following type of posts. Once you have completed posting, please upload proof in the boxes below. Uploads will be verified, and your LOUD Loyalty Points will be updated within 3 business days.
Repeat: If you do not upload proof, you will not recieve free cannabis ):
Take A Picture Of Our Product, Post it Online, and Tag Us
As Seen On The Back Of Our Bags :)
/ Per Post
Step 1: Take a nice looking picture that captures the front of the package.
Step 2: Write a quality caption, and post the picture on Facebook, Instagram or X (Twitter). Make sure to tag @loudsmokesupply and 2 friends
Step 3: Post Proof in the form below
- Please use a scenic backround with good lighting.
-Picture must be at least 400X400 Pixels
- We retain the right to decline low effort or low quality images. We will also award additional free product if we notice above average quality/ effort.
-Post must be a permanant post: No Instagram/ Facebook Stories, or anything similar